Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fan of Clams

(Continuation of Linguine alla Vongole)

I mean, she is a cat.
But these pics just made me laugh, so I thought I'd share them.
Also, fun with my new camera.

Oh look! Seafood.
I hate water.

I want the seafood under the water.

Or I could just eat your face.

Did I mention that my camera goes into auto-macro mode?
This was just a lucky random shot.
Unless you're not a cat person in which case you're just been far too up-close-and-personal with a feline.
(Not really.)
But if you really look you can see the reflection of me holding the camera in her pupil, which is kind of cool.
Also, she's smart enough to do your Trig homework for you, but only if you can translate her sequence of breathy-squeaks, and I dare you to get past "I want this/something."

(Note: Dad's out of ICU! So I thought I could post something goofy.)


Unknown said...

*sigh* I've been reading your blog for almost a year now, and the first comment I leave is about a cat post. I've no choice but to become a crazy cat lady.

However, those photos did make me laugh. Particular the sad / demanding face over the sink.

And to prove I don't just troll the internet looking for cute cat pictures, I've been obsessed with your detox soup all winter. So tasty - and no guilt!

Chuck said...

I am definitely not a cat person but I bear them no grudge. Very cool pictures and the auto-macro seems quite handy. Did I miss the post where you said what kind of camera you have? IF I did, please humor my mental state and tell me can whisper it.

RocknRollGourmet said...

It's just a little point-and-shoot, but my old one was quite outdated. The new one is a Canon Power Shot SX210 IS.
In purple :)